The AFSAAP Executive are pleased to announce the winners of the 2015 conference postgraduate essay prizes.
The winner of the $3000 Monash/AFSAAP Postgraduate Prize for is Charlotte Mertens for her paper “Sexual violence in the Congo Free State: Archival traces and present reconfigurations”. Charlotte is enrolled in a PhD at the University of Melbourne and will travel to Africa. AFSAAP wishes to acknowledge Monash University for the special sponsorship of this prize since 2010.
The winner of the $500 Cherry Gertzel – AFSAAP Postgraduate Prize for 2015 is Naomi Thompson, for her paper “Surviving vs. Living: The importance of resilience in the transformative redefinition of Ghanaian breast cancer survivors”. Naomi is enrolled in a PhD at Macquarie University.
Congratulations to both of the winners.